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CivicMakers Stories: Canal Alliance

Posted: July 25, 2024

Canal Alliance was honored to recently be mentioned in the CivicMakers newsletter, specifically in the good company of the other organizations featured in this issue.

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Tipping Point: Canal Alliance and Operational Efficiency

Posted: July 25, 2024

Canal Alliance was honored to be featured in a recent Tipping Point newsletter, calling out the ways in which we are working to leverage AI

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Marcela Alarcón - Migración segura


La ONG que ayuda a los inmigrantes a alcanzar sus sueños en EEUU – Migración Segura

Posted: July 18, 2024

Marcela Alarcón from Migración Segura talked to Laura Jímenez Diecks and Regina Vindel from Canal Alliance about the organization’s efforts to assist immigrants in Marin

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Courtesy Angel Island-Tiburon Ferry


Bay Area Ferry Electrification Will Also Be Jobs Program for Local Latinos

Posted: July 17, 2024

By  AUDREY MEI YI BROWN  | SF Public Press A small crowd wearing slate blue suits and nautical whites gathered at the Embarcadero’s Pier 9 Friday morning, New

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Emily DeLeon - Knee Deep Times


San Rafael Schoolkids Grapple with Rising Canal

Posted: July 15, 2024

by Audrey Mei Yi Brown | KneeDeep Times Emily DeLeon, 11, thought carefully about what she needed most in a home before spending her limited construction budget. She

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Emma and Manuel - 4dww


4-day workweeks can boost efficiency, say North Bay employers, recruiters

Posted: July 15, 2024

CHERYL SARFATY / THE NORTH BAY BUSINESS JOURNAL Monica Ravizza loves her job as director of programs at ExtraFood, a Marin County nonprofit that feeds the

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San Rafael Transit Center plan hits snag

Posted: July 8, 2024

By ADRIAN RODRIGUEZ | arodriguez@marinij.com | Marin Independent JournalSee the MIJ story here A multimillion-dollar plan to relocate the San Rafael Transit Center has run into an environmental hurdle

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Univisión: Canal Alliance Workers in Marin Enjoy a Four-Day Work Week

Posted: June 17, 2024

For subtitles in English, click on Settings (wheel), then on Subtitles, followed by Auto Translate, and then select English. The workers at Canal Alliance in

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"You Are Home" Mural Installed


Editorial: Marin Community Foundation’s new strategy fits our times

Posted: June 17, 2024

By MARIN IJ EDITORIAL BOARD Over its nearly 30 years of working to meet the needs of our county, the Marin Community Foundation has shifted its

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Canal Alliance front door


Marin Community Foundation unveils shift in grant approach

Posted: June 13, 2024

By: RICHARD HALSTEAD | MARIN INDEPENDENT JOURNAL Introducing a change in strategy, the Marin Community Foundation will spend $30 million over the next three years to support

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